Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just Shocking! by Andy Griffiths

Just Shocking is a very funny book that contains 10 shocking stories. The ten stories are:
"Fun with a fire hose", "I Am A Robot", "Balloons of Death", "Unfunniest Home Video", "101 Dangerous Things", "A really really good excuse", "Why I love coco-pops in 50 words or less", "Lemonade Roulette", "The Exploding Butterfly story" and "Fun with a monster truck".

All ten stories are filled with laughs and contain lots of humour. Just Shocking bock is about a young boy called Andi and his friend Danny doing all kinds of stupid things like acting as a robot, and even making his own funniest home video! My favourite story out of the whole 10 would be "I Am A Robot" because after Andi sees his sister Jenny reading a book called "I-Robot" he gets an idea and dresses up with a coco-pops cereal box on his head and acts like a robot which eventually he found out that it was a bad idea, because when his parents had enough of his foolish acting, they locked Andi into a closet that was filled with very dirty vacuum cleaner and lots of spiders. Another funny story is "A Really, Really Good Excuse", which is about Andi arriving late to school and has to quickly make up a really good excuse to convince his teacher to not get him into big trouble.

Overall I think that "Just Shocking" is a very funny book.

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